home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- OPT C- ;Turn off case sensitivity
- Section MISSION,CODE_C ;Make amiga_dos load the whole prg to chipram
- *******************************************************************
- Cmove MACRO
- dc.w \2,\1
- Cwait MACRO
- dc.w \2<<8!\1!1,$fffe
- Blitwait MACRO
- bw_\@ btst #14,dmaconr(a5)
- bne.s bw_\@
- vb1_\@:
- btst #0,vposr+1(a5)
- beq.s vb1_\@
- vb2_\@:
- btst #0,vposr+1(a5)
- bne.s vb2_\@
- *******************************************************************
- start:
- move.l #$dff000,a5 ;address of custom regs.
- catchvb
- blitwait
- jsr takesys ;kill the operating system
- move.w #$8240,dmacon(a5)
- move.l #0,0 ;for people with an A590
- *******************************************************************
- makescreens:
- move.l #piccy+(0*planesize),d0 ;address of picture
- move.w d0,plane1l ;store in copper list
- swap d0
- move.w d0,plane1h
- move.l #piccy+(1*planesize),d0 ;second plane
- move.w d0,plane2l
- swap d0
- move.w d0,plane2h
- move.l #piccy+(2*planesize),d0 ;third plane
- move.w d0,plane3l
- swap d0
- move.w d0,plane3h
- move.l #piccy+(3*planesize),d0 ;fourth plane
- move.w d0,plane4l
- swap d0
- move.w d0,plane4h
- *******************************************************************
- set_dma:
- catchvb
- blitwait
- move.w #$02e0,dmacon(a5)
- move.w #$87e0,dmacon(a5) ;turn on blitter-nasty,
- ;master DMA, bitplane DMA,
- ;copper, blitter + sprite DMA
- *******************************************************************
- title:
- catchvb ;wait for vertical blank
- blitwait ;wait for blitter to be free
- move.w #$01a0,dmacon(a5)
- move.l #main_copper,cop1lc(a5) ;point copper list to our
- move.w #$ff,copjmp1(a5) ;custom copper list
- move.w #$81a0,dmacon(a5)
- move.w #$4010,intena(a5) ;disable ints.
- move.l #main_int,$6c ;point to add. of our routine
- move #$c010,intena(a5) ;re-enable interrupts
- move.w #2,curspeed
- move.w #2,palspeed
- move.w #18,d7
- fade_cols:
- move.w #2,int_occur
- cols_wait:
- cmpi.w #0,int_occur ;wait until two frames have gone
- bne cols_wait
- lea colours,a0 ;set up fade routine
- lea ac_pal,a1 ;by pointing to our palette
- lea normal_colours,a2
- lea palette,a3
- move.w #15,d6
- set_palette:
- move.w (a0),(a1)+ ;copy present colours to fade
- move.w (a2)+,(a3)+ ;routine
- add.w #4,a0
- dbra d6,set_palette
- move.w #15,d0
- bsr palchange ;call fade routine
- lea ac_pal,a0
- lea colours,a1
- move.w #15,d6
- copy_colours:
- move.w (a0)+,(a1) ;now copy colours back to
- add.w #4,a1 ;our copperlist
- dbra d6,copy_colours
- dbra d7,fade_cols
- *******************************************************************
- main:
- btst #7,ciaapra ;is the joystick fire pressed?
- beq fade_off ;yes, so exit
- btst #10,$dff016 ;what about the right mouse?
- beq fade_off ;if that is pressed, exit
- btst #6,ciaapra ;what about left mouse then?
- bne main ;nope, fingers are free!
- fade_off:
- move.w #2,curspeed ;set up fade routine again
- move.w #2,palspeed
- move.w #15,d7
- fade_cols2:
- move.w #2,int_occur
- cols_wait2:
- cmpi.w #0,int_occur
- bne cols_wait2
- lea colours,a0
- lea ac_pal,a1
- lea black_colours,a2
- lea palette,a3
- move.w #15,d6
- set_palette2:
- move.w (a0),(a1)+ ;copy present colours
- move.w (a2)+,(a3)+
- add.w #4,a0
- dbra d6,set_palette2
- move.w #15,d0
- bsr palchange ;call fade off routine
- lea ac_pal,a0
- lea colours,a1
- move.w #15,d6
- copy_colours2:
- move.w (a0)+,(a1) ;copy colours into clist
- add.w #4,a1
- dbra d6,copy_colours2
- dbra d7,fade_cols2
- *******************************************************************
- zzap:
- catchvb
- blitwait
- jsr freesys ;re-enable the op. system
- ende:
- clr.l d0 ;and return to DOS!
- rts
- *******************************************************************
- * This routine uses two tables -
- * "Palette" -- Holds the user's palette to change TO
- * "Ac_Pal" -- The actual palette at the moment. (Internal)
- * The user can change the speed by writing a WORD value to
- * PalSpeed. The value designates 50ths of a second between each change.
- Palchange:
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(SP) ; Preserve registers
- move.w #0,done_pal
- sub.w #1,CurSpeed
- beq PalOK
- bra Pal006
- PalOK:
- move.w #1,done_pal
- move.w PalSpeed,CurSpeed
- lea Palette(pc),a0 ; User's Palette
- lea Ac_Pal(pc),a1 ; Actual (current) palette
- Pal001:
- * D1 holds red pigment, d2 holds green, d3 holds blue
- move.w (a0)+,d1 ; Load user's color
- move.w d1,d2
- move.w d1,d3
- and.w #$f00,d1
- and.w #$0f0,d2
- and.w #$00f,d3
- * Now for the Actual Palette.
- move.w (a1),d4 ; Don't incr., we re-write d4 later
- move.w d4,d5
- move.w d4,d6
- and.w #$f00,d4
- and.w #$0f0,d5
- and.w #$00f,d6
- * OK let's convert that color!
- cmp.w d1,d4
- blt.s .Rless ; if D4 is less than D1
- bgt.s .Rmore
- bra.s .Rfin
- .Rless:
- add.w #$100,d4
- bra.s .Rfin
- .Rmore:
- sub.w #$100,d4
- .Rfin:
- cmp.w d2,d5
- blt.s .Gless ; if D5 is less than D2
- bgt.s .Gmore
- bra.s .Gfin
- .Gless:
- add.w #$010,d5
- bra.s .Gfin
- .Gmore:
- sub.w #$010,d5
- .Gfin:
- cmp.w d3,d6
- blt.s .Bless ; if D6 is less than D3
- bgt.s .Bmore
- bra.s .Bfin
- .Bless:
- add.w #$001,d6
- bra.s .Bfin
- .Bmore:
- sub.w #$001,d6
- .Bfin:
- * Now to convert Actual Palette base colors back again,
- or.w d5,d4
- or.w d6,d4 ; D4 holds new color
- move.w d4,(a1)+
- dbf d0,Pal001
- * Note, ChangePal.ASM Doesn't do anything with Ac_Pal, It's
- * up to you to do what you want to do with it to allow
- *greater flexibility.
- Pal006:
- movem.l (SP)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ; restore registers
- Palette ds.w 32
- Ac_Pal ds.w 32
- PalSpeed: dc.w 2 ; Default speed : every OTHER frame
- CurSpeed: dc.w 2 ; (This to be the best speed)
- done_pal: dc.w 0
- *******************************************************************
- main_int:
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
- lea $dff000,a5
- and #$10,intreqr(a5) ;is this a copper int.?
- beq main_out ;no, so exit
- move.w #$10,intreq(a5) ;clear interrupt flag
- cmpi.w #0,int_occur
- beq main_out
- sub.w #1,int_occur
- main_out:
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- rte
- int_occur: dc.w 0
- *******************************************************************
- * The next bit is our custom COPPERLIST *
- *******************************************************************
- main_copper:
- dc.w bplcon1,0 ;standard screen
- dc.w bpl1mod,0,bpl2mod,0 ;no modulos
- dc.w bplcon0,$4200 ;4 bitplanes
- dc.w bplcon2,$0 ;normal priority
- dc.w diwstrt,$2c81
- dc.w diwstop,$2cc1
- dc.w ddfstrt,$0038
- dc.w ddfstop,$00d0
- dc.w spr0pth ;these are the sprite
- sp0h dc.w 0 ;pointers. We have set
- dc.w spr0ptl ;them to point to 0
- sp0l: dc.w 0 ;as we are not using them
- dc.w spr1pth
- sp1h: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr1ptl
- sp1l: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr2pth
- sp2h: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr2ptl
- sp2l: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr3pth
- sp3h: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr3ptl
- sp3l: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr4pth
- sp4h: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr4ptl
- sp4l: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr5pth
- sp5h: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr5ptl
- sp5l: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr6pth
- sp6h: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr6ptl
- sp6l: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr7pth
- sp7h: dc.w 0
- dc.w spr7ptl
- sp7l: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl1pth ;these are the bitplane
- plane1h dc.w 0 ;pointers
- dc.w bpl1ptl
- plane1l dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl2pth
- plane2h dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl2ptl
- plane2l dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl3pth
- plane3h dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl3ptl
- plane3l dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl4pth
- plane4h dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl4ptl
- plane4l dc.w 0
- ;there now follows the screen colours, in the following order:-
- ;1 WORD colour offset, then 1 WORD containing the colour data
- dc.w col0
- colours:
- dc.w $0000,col1,$0000,col2,$0000,col3,$0000
- dc.w col4,$0000,col5,$0000,col6,$0000,col7,$0000
- dc.w col8,$0000,col9,$0000,col10,$0000,col11,$0000
- dc.w col12,$0000,col13,$0000,col14,$0000,col15,$0000
- dc.w $ff0f,$fffe,$ffdd,$fffe ;use copper in PAL area
- cwait 0,51
- dc.w intreq,$8010
- cwait 255,254
- *******************************************************************
- normal_colours:
- dc.w $0000,$0c73,$0976,$0a87,$0654,$0330,$0430,$0430
- dc.w $0530,$0740,$0840,$0950,$0a51,$0a62,$0643,$0444
- black_colours:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- *****************************************************************************
- * TAKESYS and FREESYS were written by P.R.BRAIN (GARION) to safely
- * take down and restore the operating system. Thanks to Paul for
- * allowing us to use them.
- *****************************************************************************
- * TAKESYS will disable the OS interrupts and replace with custom drivers
- * Also saves out the DMA control status...
- * Returns with all Dma and all interrupts OFF
- *****************************************************************************
- Newvects dc.l lev1,lev2,lev3,lev4,lev5,lev6,lev7
- Oldvects ds.l 7
- OldTAh dc.b 0
- OldTAl dc.b 0
- Oldcra dc.b 0
- even
- Oldintreq dc.w 0
- Oldintena dc.w 0
- Olddmacon dc.w 0
- gfxname dc.b "graphics.library",0
- syscop1 dc.l 0
- syscop2 dc.l 0
- takesys:
- move.l 4.w,a6
- jsr forbid(a6)
- lea custom,a5
- blitwait
- lea gfxname,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- jsr openlib(a6)
- move.l d0,a1
- move.l oslist(a1),syscop1 ;store OS copper addrs
- move.l oslist2(a1),syscop2
- jsr closelib(a6)
- lea $64.w,a0
- lea Oldvects,a1
- moveq #7-1,d0
- vsavelp move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- dbf d0,vsavelp ;Store OS vectors.
- move dmaconr(a5),Olddmacon ;store DMA
- move.w intreqr(a5),oldintreq
- move.w intenar(a5),oldintena ;store ints
- move.w #$7fff,intena(a5)
- move.w #$7fff,intreq(a5) ;disable all ints
- catchVB
- move.w #$7fff,dmacon(a5) ;&dma
- lea newvects,a0
- lea $64.w,a1
- moveq #7-1,d0
- vloadlp move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- dbf d0,vloadlp ;load new handler vectors
- ;Now setup the ciaa for keyboard...
- move.b ciaa+cra,Oldcra
- move.b #%00010000,ciaa+cra ;SP input, STOP & Forceload timerA
- move.b ciaa+Talo,oldtal
- move.b ciaa+Tahi,oldtah
- ;Configure CIA-A for kboard...
- move.b #0,ciaa+cra ;SP input...
- move.b #%01111111,ciaa+icr ;clear all cia ints
- move.b #%10001000,ciaa+icr ;SP int on
- move.b ciaa+icr,d0 ;clear IRs
- move.w #$c008,intena(a5)
- rts
- *****************************************************************************
- * FREESYS will put the OS back together again... (Better had!)
- *****************************************************************************
- freesys:
- lea custom,a5
- move #$7fff,intena(a5)
- move #$7fff,intreq(a5) ;disable all ints
- move #$7fff,dmacon(a5) ;& Dma
- move.b #0,ciaa+cra ;reset ciaa...
- move.b #%01111111,ciaa+icr
- move.b #%10011011,ciaa+icr
- move.b oldtal,ciaa+talo
- move.b oldtah,ciaa+tahi
- move.b oldcra,ciaa+cra
- lea oldvects,a0
- lea $64.w,a1
- moveq #7-1,d0
- vloslp move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- dbf d0,vloslp ;reset OS vectors
- catchvb
- move.l syscop1,cop1lc(a5)
- move.l syscop2,cop2lc(a5)
- move #0,copjmp1(a5)
- move #0,copjmp2(a5) ;reset the copper
- move oldintena,d0
- or #$c000,d0
- move d0,intena(a5) ;restore OS ints
- move oldintreq,d0
- or #$8000,d0
- move d0,intreq(a5)
- catchVB
- move olddmacon,d0
- or #$8200,d0
- move d0,dmacon(a5) ;restore OS Dma
- move.l 4.w,a6
- jsr permit(a6)
- rts
- *****************************************************************************
- * Unused Interrupt Drivers
- *****************************************************************************
- LEV1:
- LEV2:
- LEV3:
- LEV4:
- LEV5:
- LEV6:
- LEV7:
- rte
- *******************************************************************
- ;Offsets for OS routines....
- Openlib equ -30-522
- Closelib equ -414 ;...Equates for OS calls...
- Forbid equ -30-102
- Permit equ -30-108
- ciaapra = $bfe001
- OsList EQU 38
- OsList2 EQU 50
- *******************************************************************
- ;Equates for hardware registers
- custom EQU $dff000
- dmaconr EQU $002
- vposr EQU $004
- vhposr EQU $006
- intenar EQU $01C
- intreqr EQU $01E
- vposw EQU $02A
- vhposw EQU $02C
- cop1lc EQU $080
- cop2lc EQU $084
- copjmp1 EQU $088
- copjmp2 EQU $08A
- diwstrt EQU $08E
- diwstop EQU $090
- ddfstrt EQU $092
- ddfstop EQU $094
- dmacon EQU $096
- intena EQU $09A
- intreq EQU $09C
- aud0vol EQU $0A8
- aud1vol EQU $0B8
- aud2vol EQU $0C8
- aud3vol EQU $0D8
- bpl1pth EQU $0E0
- bpl1ptl EQU $0E2
- bpl2pth EQU $0E4
- bpl2ptl EQU $0E6
- bpl3pth EQU $0E8
- bpl3ptl EQU $0EA
- bpl4pth EQU $0EC
- bpl4ptl EQU $0EE
- bpl5pth EQU $0F0
- bpl5ptl EQU $0F2
- bpl6pth EQU $0F4
- bpl6ptl EQU $0F6
- bplcon0 EQU $100
- bplcon1 EQU $102
- bplcon2 EQU $104
- bpl1mod EQU $108
- bpl2mod EQU $10A
- spr0pth EQU $120
- spr0ptl EQU $122
- spr1pth EQU $124
- spr1ptl EQU $126
- spr2pth EQU $128
- spr2ptl EQU $12A
- spr3pth EQU $12C
- spr3ptl EQU $12E
- spr4pth EQU $130
- spr4ptl EQU $132
- spr5pth EQU $134
- spr5ptl EQU $136
- spr6pth EQU $138
- spr6ptl EQU $13A
- spr7pth EQU $13C
- spr7ptl EQU $13E
- col0 EQU $180
- col1 EQU $182
- col2 EQU $184
- col3 EQU $186
- col4 EQU $188
- col5 equ $18a
- col6 equ $18c
- col7 equ $18e
- col8 EQU $190
- col9 equ $192
- col10 equ $194
- col11 equ $196
- col12 equ $198
- col13 equ $19a
- col14 equ $19c
- col15 equ $19e
- col16 equ $1A0
- col17 equ $1a2
- col18 equ $1a4
- col19 equ $1a6
- col20 equ $1a8
- col21 equ $1aa
- col22 equ $1ac
- col23 equ $1ae
- col24 equ $1b0
- col25 equ $1b2
- col26 equ $1b4
- col27 equ $1b6
- col28 equ $1b8
- col29 equ $1ba
- col30 equ $1bc
- col31 equ $1be
- ciaa equ $bfe001
- ciab equ $bfd000
- pra EQU $0000
- prb EQU $0100
- ddra EQU $0200
- ddrb EQU $0300
- talo EQU $0400
- tahi EQU $0500
- tblo EQU $0600
- tbhi EQU $0700
- todlow EQU $0800
- todmid EQU $0900
- todhi EQU $0A00
- sp EQU $0C00
- icr EQU $0D00
- cra EQU $0E00
- crb EQU $0F00
- *******************************************************************
- planesize equ 40*256
- timer: dc.l 0
- *******************************************************************
- piccy:
- ;incbin "dh0:mm/piccy"
- ;to include a picture here, just replace the
- ;above INCBIN with one of your own, specifying the
- ;correct pathname for the picture. The picture
- ;must be in RAW format, not IFF.
- *******************************************************************
- end